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Sex Offenses

Sex Offense Defense Attorney in San Francisco

Strength in Criminal Defense When You Need it Most

It can be difficult to overcome the shameful stigma that surrounds sex crime allegations. Victims' rights activists, the media, prosecutors and other individuals quickly make assumptions and portray the accused as atrocious and perverted. Unfortunately, when it comes to the public and sexual assault charges and other sex crime cases, the prevailing attitude is "guilty until proven innocent."

It is important to have an attorney who is skilled at handling serious sex offense allegations with both zeal and discretion. With over 30 years of criminal defense experience, Seth P. Chazin will advocate for your rights, your future and your right to the presumption of innocence.

Contact sex offense defense lawyer Seth Chazin for aggressive representation throughout the San Francisco Bay area, California and the United States.

Vigorously Defending All Sex Crime Charges

Sex crime attorney Seth Chazin has thorough knowledge of California sex offender laws. He understands how they apply to his clients and how he can use them to craft effective sex crime defenses. He vigorously defends clients facing charges for various sex offenses, such as:

Preserving the Future Following Sex Crime Allegations

Meagan's list and Adam Walsh Act sex offender registration is a requirement for individuals convicted of a sex offense. Lists can be very detrimental to an individual, even many years following a conviction. As an experienced sex crime defense lawyer, Mr. Chazin is proactive in pursuing pre-file resolution of sex offense charges and mitigation of allegations, without sex offender registration whenever possible. Through aggressive investigation, witness interviews, forensic expert reports and testimony, and persuasive negotiations, he is often able to resolve cases both early and effectively.

Already convicted of a sex crime? There are procedures that can allow you to remove your name from the sex offender registry. Mr. Chazin is skilled at assisting with expungements and certificates of rehabilitation to protect your criminal record and your future.

Victories/Successful Sex Crime Defenses

  • Gang rape: Client, charged with two other defendants for allegedly drugging and gang-raping a woman. Seth Chazin's aggressive defense resulted in all charges being dismissed, including related charges for possession of marijuana for sale, forgery and receiving stolen property.
  • Child pornography: Client confessed to possession of child pornography. Mr. Chazin proved that there was no way to prove that the client knowingly possessed child pornography − case dismissed.
  • Rape: A pre-file allegation of rape by a teenager was never prosecuted − no charges filed.
  • Prostitution: Prostitution charges dismissed − resulting in NO criminal record.
  • Prostitution: Client, along with 20+ co-defendants, was accused of importing prostitutes. Potentially facing 20 years in prison and deportation, the charges were reduced. The client was not deported, and minimal time was served.
  • Sex offender registration: Attorney Chazin convinced the Department of Justice to remove clients from the Meagan's List, sex offender database.
  • Rape: Client accused of raping and then assaulting ex-girlfriend on several occasions. Aggressive investigation, pre-trial preparation and negotiations resulted in ALL CHARGES DISMISSED.
  • Internet solicitation: Client contacts alleged 13-year-old girl through the Internet. He engages in lewd conversation and sends pornographic photographs to alleged minor. Client then travels 60 miles to meet girl and cops are waiting for client when he arrives. No time in custody.

Read more about attorney Chazin's sex offenses victories and successes.

Contact an Oakland Sexual Assault Charges Defense Lawyer

If you have been arrested or are under investigation for a sex offense, contact sex crime defense lawyer Seth Chazin online or call 1-800-499-9902.


“The death penalty is a lie, a misguided mistake born of anger and frustration. Capital punishment has become a perverse monument to inequality, to how some lives matter and others do not. It is a violent example of how we protect and value the rich and abandon and devalue the poor. The death penalty is a grim, disturbing shadow formed by the legacy of racial apartheid and bias against the poor that condemns the disfavored among us, but corrupts us all. It’s the perverse symbol elected officials use to strengthen their ‘tough on crime’ reputations and distract us from confronting the causes of violence. It is finally the enemy of grace, redemption and all of us who recognize that each person is more than their worse act.”
- Bryan Stevenson
