Getting charged with a sex crime is a very serious matter, especially when it comes to sex crime charges involving minors. A 2010 report published by Violence Against Women indicated that false sexual assault allegations account for between 2% and 10% of all claims. Finding yourself in such a position is worrying at best and terrifying at worst.
Anyone being accused of a crime of this nature knows how important it is to have a good sex crime attorney. A sex crime lawyer who knows what they're doing can mean the difference between a life destroyed and freedom. But when you're in the middle of such serious allegations, it can be hard to think straight, let alone make good decisions on critical matters like choosing a sex crime attorney in the San Francisco area.
This was the very position that one of our clients in Fremont found himself in. He had been charged with a serious and violent felony -- a violation of Penal Code Section 288(a), Lewd Act Upon a Child, also known as child molestation. If he was convicted of this crime, he would be facing as long as eight years in prison, a fee of up to $10,000, and the shame of being registered for life as a sex offender under Penal Code section 290. One of those alone could be enough to ruin an innocent man's life forever. The effect of the three combined would be almost unimaginable to most people.
As sex crime attorneys, we immediately sought to reassure the client that we would do everything in our power to help him out of this terrible situation. An aggressive and thorough investigation was immediately launched in defense of our client, with several of the area's best investigators and experts, including a child psychologist and a DNA expert.
The case was tried before a jury in Alameda County Superior Court over the course of two months. Multiple motions were filed and argued before the court, as Mr. Chazin and his team fought tooth and nail to obtain a fair trial for their client, despite the judge and prosecutor's best efforts to see that the client was convicted.
The jury came back after a mere 90 minutes of deliberations. Not only did they acquit our client of the alleged child molestation, but they also acquitted him of a lesser-included offense of Attempted Lewd Act Upon a Child, a violation of Penal Code Section 664/288 (a) which the judge insisted on giving to the jury over the initial objection of even the prosecutor!
What may have seemed like a hopeless case to the client and his family in the beginning was effectively resolved by Seth Chazin and his excellent legal team. When every day counts and your freedom is on the line, you can rely on them to give your case the thought and time it needs -- and the care, attention and highest quality representation you deserve.
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