Three bills will soon be heard by Senate members who are a part of the Assembly Appropriations Committee pertaining to registrants and their loved ones. On May 10th, the Assembly Appropriations Committee is scheduled to consider AB 558 (internet exclusions), and both SB 421 (tiered registry) and SB 26 will be considered by the Senate Appropriations Committee on 15th of May.
Since there will be large numbers of bills to be considered on both of the dates, the hearing of the committee will commence for a full day -beginning at 9 a.m. and ending at 5 p.m or later.
Senate Bill 421 could change the way sex offenders are registered. Since all sex offenders are registered for life, despite of the severity of offense. The bill, if converted into a law will establish a tier based registration system based on the type of committed offense.
The purpose of Senate Bill 26 is to keep registered sex offenders away from playgrounds, classrooms and other location on school campus. Current law allows sex offenders on school campus based on permission from parents and staff, if notified 2 weeks in advance. SB will tighten loopholes via which registered sex offenders could gain access to schools in California.
Assembly Bill 558 will prohibit offenders who were convicted of misdemeanor child molestation from applying to the department for the exclusion of their information from the Internet website.
Janice Bellucci, Executive Director of Ascol Stated that: “The Appropriations Committee process is opaque as compared to the Public Safety Committee process. It is possible that the bills of interest to us will not be heard, but could be kept in the committee's suspense file.”
On either date ie. May 10th, or May 15th, if the bill is kept in the suspense file of the committee, it might be considered on a later date, or the committee can refuse its consideration all together. The outcome of the hearing by the Appropriations Committee will be posted on the website as soon the information comes out.
“If any of these bills are approved by an Appropriation Committee, ACSOL will encourage individuals to write letters and make phone calls before the bills are considered on the floor of the Assembly or the Senate,” stated Bellucci.
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